Mesh welding machine
Mesh Line CC  

Mesh welding machine for the production of reinforcing mesh working with line & cross wires from coils. Range from Ø 3 to Ø 10 mm

This mesh welding plant is ideal for the production of both mesh panels and mesh in rolls
Driven by digital electric servomotors

- Production of medium/big quantities of mesh panels;
- Low manpower; 
- Web Teleassistance.

Technical data

    Line wire diameter
    Cross wire diameter
    Line wire pitch
    Cross wire pitch
    Mesh panel width (min-max)
    Mesh panel length (min-max)
    Mesh roll length
    Feeding of line wires
    Feeding of cross wires

    Ø 3 ÷ 10 mm 
    Ø 3 ÷ 10 mm
    100-150-200 mm (4"-6"-8")
    50 mm (2")
    1250 ÷ 2500 mm (49"÷ 98")
    2000 ÷ 6000 mm (7'÷ 20') 
    55 m (180')
    150 cross wires/min

As the products are in continuous development,
the technical specifications and images are purely by way of example and not binding.